Sunday, November 16, 2014


Hey Cysters, 

Hows it going for you all... I hope everyone is getting their BFP's tonight. as for me right now... I have just been taking ovulation test after ovulation tests. LOL literally like a bunch of them.

So far... I have continued to take my fertile aide, Myo- Inositol, Ova Boost, and Fertile CM. I mentioned in my last blog I had started to bleed. I thought I was just starting my period. I was totally convinced thats what it was. It ended up being so weird. I was bleeding basically old blood and then one day I had like red very mucusy (if thats a word) blood and then went back to brown blood again. I had some weird cramping... I stopped taking ovulation tests during that time because I was convinced that it was my period. After thinking about it and seeing the mucus I thought you know what... I should take a ovulation test just to make sure that I wasn't ovulating. Low and be hold. my test had gotten a bunch darker then the ones from the start of the week. I couldn't believe it. It still wasn't positive but it was getting darker. 

So I continued to take a bunch of tests and tonight I took my tests and I have to say, this is the darkest I have ever seen any of my tests get. I would say tonight I would be positive. We are going to baby dance tonight because I want to catch this egg. No doubt. 

There you have it folks. The last test on the bottom is my full on positive. I can't believe it. I finally ovulated. Now for the wait... now... to see if I am pregnant in 2-3 weeks. Longest weeks of my life is this whole waiting gig. Fingers crossed ladies. I really have high hopes for this month and I really hope that I am not going to be disappointed like all the times before. I would really love to get my BFP. It would be an awesome christmas present to the immediate family for sure. I would love to do something super cute to let them know we are pregnant. :) Anyways, thats just thinking a little to far ahead. Lets just wait and see how the next two weeks go and maybe I will have some awesome news for you all... I wishing you all BFP's and know that I have my fingers crossed for all of you out there struggling and trying to have a family. Post your OPK's in the comment box below I love seeing everyones progress... Love ya all! 

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