My name is Nicole and welcome to my weight loss & trying to conceive Journey while tackling my struggles with PCOS. I have recently been diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. I am putting my self out there for other women who are also trying to have a beautiful baby while also struggling with PCOS.

 I want this to be a place for women who struggle with similar issues to come and feel comfortable and for one minute not feel like their is something wrong with us or feel like we are alone in all this. I know I have an extremely supportive husband who loves me unconditionally. He doesn't know how I am feeling or whats going on inside my body.

 I can explain to him till I’m blue in the face and as much as he says “I get it.” “I get it.” I know there’s a part that he really doesn't have a clue. The only way he would actually know how I truly feel was for he himself to be a woman with this problem. To top it off. I have struggled with my weight for a long time. So when I was diagnosed with PCOS I knew that there was going to have to be changes made. Life style changes & eating habit changes.