Friday, May 9, 2014

OPK Watch... Continued

We are still on ovulation watch this week. I am just barely getting in to my fertile window. Starting tomorrow. I am currently CD 13 however when you read this I will be starting CD 14.  I started taking my ovulation tests on Monday...

OPK May 5, 6,7 2014

My OPK's are starting to get darker yay...

OPK May 8 & 9 2014

I would say there isn't much of a change from today to yesterday. Still negative. But we are just barely hitting my fertile window so I still have plenty of time to ovulate. YAY! 

All 5 OPKS I have taken since the 5th 

These are all the OPKS I have taken since May 5th.  The bottom one is the darkest I have had but still not quite there. I had to darken the picture for the sake of this blog so that you would be able to see the gradual difference between the lines because they were considerably light still. Hard to take a photo of these when its still pretty dark out. 

Anyways. be on the look out for more OPK's. We will be taking two more test tomorrow and Sunday. I will update on Sunday with the next two OPK's! 

Keeping my fingers crossed for all you awesome ladies out there! Have a great night! 

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